Grails UnitTesting & Deployment

Unit Testing
GrailsUnitTestCase and GroovyTestCase both extend JUnit 3.x TestCase.MVC Unit Test case will extend GrailsUNitTest case and delegate the test case control to ControllerUnitTestCase and TagLibUnitTestCase

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Grails Services


Grails Service uses to separate your business logic from the other layer or component. Services are named in the format SomeNameService.groovy and placed in the directory /grails-app/services/. Services can make use of dependency injection features, and you can easily call these services from within controllers. Continue reading “Grails Services”

Grails Understanding


Grails is a web framework based on Groovy and Java which can be deployed into existing Java web servers, e.g. Tomcat or Jetty. Its scaffolding capabilities let you create a new project within a few minutes. Grails is based on the “convention over configuration” idea which allows the application to auto-wires itself based on naming schemes (instead of using configuration files, XML files). Continue reading “Grails Understanding”

Grails – GORM Tutorial

Grails is known as domain driven language that means we can build application using bottom to top approach which is more nearer to object oriented programming. GORM (Grail Object Relational Mapping) uses intern Hibernate to map the domain with table which gives life to Domain modeling. If we combined everything just only based on domain we could build the whole web application. Scaffolding can bring domain design directly to visible state to business users with extra involvement Continue reading “Grails – GORM Tutorial”