Grails Key Architecture Considerations

Grails is an Open Source, full stack, web application framework for the JVM. It takes advantage of the Groovy programming language and convention over configuration to provide a productive and stream-lined development experience
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Enterprise Benefits on Service Oriented Architecture – SOA

Currently, the market push is towards SOA, or Service-Oriented Architecture. SOA as a term is impressive but we need to understand what benefit we can achieve using SOA. Before turning towards benefit, it is necessary to discuss common understanding.  In brief, a service oriented architecture is paradigm which include service as a layer whereas service which is nothing but individual functionality that is shared across the applications.
The primary goal of Service Oriented Architecture is to align business users with information technologies (IT).
Adopting Service Oriented Architecture realizes many benefits..Click To Read More!

Template engine on Web development

A template engine is a generic tool used on web development to process web templates and content information to produce output web documents. Template Engine as a processor is most frequently used in the context of development for the web

e.g. XSLT is a template processing model designed by W3C. It is designed primarily for transformations on XML data (into web documents or other output).
There are many open source template engine available to generate web document such as
  1.  Free Marker:
  2.  Apache Velocity:


  1. High Maintainability: Predefined “templates” which can be changed easily. 
  2. Separation: It separate your business logic from your presentation design
  3. Clean & Standard code:  Standard based on template design
  4. Consistent UI coding:  Developers have to always follows template design for UI development
  5. High Reusability : Reuse existing template across the application UI development